NET(net), Inc.

Software Licensing Handbook Wiki by jigordon
April 10, 2007, 4:01 am
Filed under: book, wiki

A few weeks ago, I was asked by a reader if I had thought about creating a digital version of the Software Licensing Handbook. He suggested the creation of a database based on the book, using the sections as the key articles. I really liked the idea, but struggled with a way to make it interesting and useful not only to those of you who don’t have the book, but also valuable to those that do. In essence, I wanted to add additional value to the book, not replace it.

Continuing to think about it, I came to realize that a semi-static wiki was perhaps the best way to electronically “publish” access to the bulk of the content of the book (some sections are harder to translate to a database/digital form). I’ve created the wiki with pages for each term, categorized the terms and I’ve limited the reader to a read-only view (with the ability to add comments, but not edit the main article itself).

My goal here would ultimately be to license access to the wiki – the main article would remain as it is/was in the book… but readers could add information/suggestions that are perhaps industry-specific, or country/region specific (as I would love to hear what other countries laws do to US-style software licenses).

I want to do this efficiently and effectively. So I’m looking for some folks who would be willing to serve as beta testers. I’ll provide you access for a beta period where you can play and explore, and even add comments. In sum, you’d have “full” reader access during the beta period. If you don’t already own a copy of the Software Licensing Handbook, this would also provide you with a serious review opportunity of the content of that guide.

I’m thinking that 10 people (and I would prefer them to be scattered throughout the world, as I see I have readers in just about every country) would give me some good feedback. I make no promises on duration or future accessibility… this is merely an indeterminate beta trial period.

Any takers? Please e-mail your name and e-mail address to me (the wiki is password protected and I will need to give you the URL, too). I would like to know where you’re from geographically and what you can contribute in terms of feedback, beyond just the ability to look at the wiki. For example: are you a lawyer in Germany? a contract negotiator in Spain? a paralegal in Australia? are you an author? a student? an internet god?

I look forward to hearing from you!